Notices of Reassessment Reviews
If you need to make a change to any return you have sent a request to CRA, after you receive your notice of assessment before requesting any change to a return.
Send the request to your tax centre including the following information:
- a completed form T1-ADJ, T1 Adjustment Request or a signed letter providing the details of your request (including the years of the returns you want us to change), your social insurance number, your address, and a telephone number where we can reach you during the day; and
- supporting documents for the changes you want to make and, if you have not sent them to us before, supporting documents for your original claim.
When CRA complete the review of your adjustment request, they will send you a notice of reassessment showing any changes to your return and a letter of explanation if they did not accept the changes you requested or the changes were not required, you the right to make an appeal to CRA Appeal Division. A reassessment occurs when CRA disagrees with the request of taxpayer. If the taxpayer disagrees with the reassessment must to file a Notice of Objection with the Chief of Appeals, during 90 days from the date of the Notice of Reassessment.
Our tax accountant will discuss the situation with taxpayer and review all from beginning to end considering an analysis with the following facts:
- complete review your T1 general filed
- review all documents included in your T1 general filed
- analysis and compare your return with the notice assessment
- letters received from CRA
- conclusion and decision
- file a Notice of Objection
- we represent the taxpayer in this claim
Please feel free to contact us and you leave your appeal is professionally represented